Email, Calendar, and Messaging

Get support for your email, calendar, instant messaging, and related services such as distribution lists, resource calendars, or shared mailboxes.

Services (5)

Bulk Email Request

Bulk emails are official distribution emails sent to specific groups for the purpose of providing information and engagement. Sample groups - Students(RS/CS), Staff, CUPE, LFA, Student Union.

Emeriti Email Request

In accordance with Langara College policy B1007 - Emeritus/Emerita Designation, retired employees designated Emeritus/Emerita can request to resume the use of their email account address. Use this service to request the creation or removal of an account.

Microsoft Bookings

Microsoft Bookings is a web-based appointment scheduling tool available through Langara's Office 365.

Recover Student-Worker Data

Supervisors and Managers may request the data of ex-employees turned students be recovered and restored to a new email box.

General Email, Calendar, and Messaging Support

If you don't find what you are looking for, please submit a General Email, Calendar, and Messaging Support ticket.