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As part of COVID-19, some people were authorized to use their Langara phone off-site. When the phone is brought back to the office, follow the instructions below on how to delete Teleworker setting on the phone. Once the Teleworker setting is deleted, the phone can be used in the office.
Everything you need to know about the College's shift from desktops to laptops.
This article walk you through the necessary steps to request equipment and furniture moves between offices.
Your student email is important - this is what it is used for and how to access it.
Get help with your Computer User ID, Office 365 Email, or Langara ID
The language settings can be controlled through your browser settings, or through Office 365 settings.
Error is shown when trying to open any office program if Outlook was opened and setup with a shared generic email account without activating
Microsoft Bookings is a web-based appointment scheduling tool available upon request to full-time staff and faculty.
Go to the U-Pass site and enter your email address:
Why Zoom may send old meeting invites and how to prevent it.
This article gives you the necessary information that you will require when submitting a request to move a phone extension/local to a different phone in a different location.
Log into Office 365 and access your Outlook inbox
As of Fall 2019 and the switch to Office 365 for students, email access is only retained for three semesters after course completion.