How to connect Langara phone back at office


As part of COVID-19, some people were authorized to use their Langara phone off-site.  When the phone is brought back to the office, follow the instructions below on how to turn off Teleworker mode.


How to re-connect your office phone in office (Teleworker)

  1. Plug Ethernet cable into the middle port on the back of your phone.
  2. When the phone powers on, press and hold the 7 key.
  3. After approximately 10-15 seconds the phone will display a “CONFIG TELEWORKER” prompt.
  4. Press * for Yes
  5. Press * for Delete
  6. Press * for Yes when prompted to Save Changes.
  7. The phone will reboot a few times and you will see a few messages on the screen. This will take a few minutes.
  8. When you see your local display, you are all set.


Article ID: 1829
Thu 8/26/21 9:27 AM
Mon 12/18/23 2:56 PM
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