Incorrect Office 365 language setting


Your display language in Office 365 may be influenced by individual settings from within Office 365, or by the browser which you are using to access it.


First check your language settings in your browser. These steps are written for Chrome and will differ slightly for other browsers:

  1. Click on the three dots in the top right corner, and then select Settings
  2. Expand the Advanced section, and select Language
  3. Confirm that the language at the top is English

If it is already set to English, try to change the display language in Office 365 account:

  1. Log into Office 365 here:
  2. Click the 9-dotted box on the top-left, select Outlook
  3. Click the gear icon on the top-right
  4. Click View all Outlook settings (at the bottom)
  5. Click General (on the left)
  6. Select your desired language from the Language and time section


Attempting to adjust the language setting from your profile will display: "This setting is managed by your organization. Contact your IT administrator to change your display language."


Article ID: 1638
Thu 8/5/21 8:42 AM
Fri 3/25/22 1:53 PM
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