Windows 11 Lab Support

Who can request this service?

Faculty and students in select BCAP courses and Pro Desktop users


Windows 11 in computer labs is currently available for select BCAP courses and Pro Desktop users.

If you are having an issue with Windows 11 or accessing the environment, you can use this service to notify the support group.

Before you make request

Please ensure that you are an instructor or student of of BCAP courses that have access to Windows 11 or a Pro Desktop user

After you make request

You will receive an email notification from the email system with a ticket number for reference. You may reply to the email if you have any further details or questions. Upon completion of the request, you will receive an email from IT requesting that you confirm all is as requested.

Request Windows 11 Lab Support

Related Articles (3)

This article references the Microsoft Remote Desktop application installation method of accessing the Windows 11 pilot desktop.
This article describes how to access Windows 11 (from on-campus general computer labs)
This article explains how to access Langara's Azure Virtual Desktop environment from a supported computer browser.


Service ID: 3539
Mon 8/28/23 1:31 PM
Wed 12/20/23 11:18 AM
The constituents for whom the service is available (e.g., students, faculty, staff).
Faculty, Students