Software, Product, and Project Requests

Do you have a request for a new software, product, or project? You can use the links below or the orange buttons on the right to get to the request form. (You will need to sign in using your O365 credentials to access the form.)


Make a request for software to be used in a lab, classroom or college-managed computer or device. You can request new software, a software update/upgrade, or currently licensed software. Examples include: VLC Media Player, FinalCut, R-Studio.

Product or Enterprise Software

Make a product or enterprise software request to be used by departments or the College as a whole. You can request new software, a software update/upgrade, or currently licensed software. Examples include: PebblePad, an ePortfolio platform for students, and Survey Monkey.


Projects are initiatives that require IT involvement to meet the project objectives. Examples include: a meeting room booking solution or E-signature tool.  

When you make a request, you must:

  • Provide information about the project’s purpose.  
  • Indicate leadership sponsor.  

Note: IT does not make the final decision on the priority and sequencing of College projects. Projects and enterprise software requests are approved by a cross-functional College Committee. The IT Project and Portfolio Management team will guide you through this process if required. 

Before you make a request

  • Ensure you have the approved budget and inform your leadership sponsor or department manager if your request involves a purchase. 

  • Review policy B1004 - Computer Technology Planning and its associated procedures. 

After you make a request 

You will receive an AskIT ticket confirming your request submission. IT’s initial review of a request typically takes 5-10 business days

To update your AskIT ticket, or check the status of your request, you can reply to the email notification that you received when you submitted your request. 

Additional steps

Depending on the nature of your request additional steps may need to be taken, which will add to the total time needed to complete the request review. Our team will let you know if these steps are needed. They may include: 

  • Budget – If your request involves a purchase, a Workday requisition must be submitted. 
  • Risk – A risk review, including indemnity approval, may need to be completed when a purchase includes an End-User License Agreement (EULA), Service Level Agreement (SLA) and/or Terms and Conditions of use, as well as a technical risk review. You may need to provide additional information to Organizational Risk. 
  • Technical Assessment – IT may need to review the request to evaluate security, identity and access management, and other technical considerations. 
  • Privacy – A privacy review is required when software or projects involve the collection and use of personal information. You may need to provide additional information to the Privacy Office. 
  • Policy Review – Review policy B1004 - Computer Technology Planning and its associated procedures. 


Product/Software/Project Request Process

For more detailed information on the overall process, check out this knowledge article.


Please email Shireen Cardas, Associate Director, Project and Portfolio Management:


Rosi Woodley, Product Manager:

Software Request Product/Enterprise Software Request Project Request

Service Offerings (3)

Software Request
Requests for new or to upgrade software for lab, classroom, or office use
Product/Enterprise Software Request
Do you have a request for a new product or enterprise software? These requests include a solution for use across the College, a new CRM, or a workflow management system.
Project Request
If you have a suggestion or idea for a project involving IT, please submit the project request form.