Classroom and Lab Technology Support

Instructional spaces at Langara are equipped with various audio visual and IT equipment, typically including digital projectors, loudspeaker systems, lectern computers, connections for BYOD devices, document cameras, and Blu-ray players. If you experienced any issues while using the equipment, you can open a ticket with us by clicking the Request Help button and filling out the incident form.

Here are some other helpful links and resources related to classrooms and labs:

  • Need to find out what equipment is available in a given room? You can do so by visiting the Technology on Campus page.
  • Have questions about how to use a particular piece of equipment or want to see if you can resolve the issue yourself? Head to the IT Knowledge Base or check out the video tutorials on MediaSpace.
  • If you need to borrow additional equipment that is not provided in a given room, you can make a short-term equipment reservation at this link: Audio Visual Equipment Booking.
  • Is the room missing any technology critical to your course delivery? Or is there a piece of aging equipment in the room that needs to be replaced? Send us a new equipment request using the General Technical Support form.