Emeriti Email Request

Who can request this service?

Faculty, Staff must be approve by an Executive


In accordance with Langara College policy B1007 - Emeritus/Emerita Designation, retired employees designated Emeritus/Emerita can request to resume the use of their Langara.ca email account address. However, all data in the email account prior to the date of retirement will be removed to protect College information.

The College may award Emeritus designations to individuals who are retired or will be retired by August 31 of the year in which the designation is awarded.  Emeritus designation, once awarded, is normally retained by the individual for life

Before you make request

Before you make request, please ensure you have the following information ready:

  • Name of emeritus
  • Existing email address of designated emeritus (if existing)
  • Preferred email address (if not already existing)
  • Date of change to emeritus designation (if account exists)
  • Name of executive contact to validate emeritus status

After you make request

You will receive an email notification from the email system with a ticket number for reference.  You may reply to the email if you have any further details or questions.
Upon completion of the request, you will receive an email from IT requesting that you confirm all is as requested.