Windows 11 in computer lab and enhanced classrooms FAQ

Frequently asked question regarding Windows 11 upgrade in computer labs and enhanced classrooms

When will labs and enhanced classrooms  be updated to Windows 11?
Labs and enhanced classrooms will be upgraded to Windows 11 by May 6, 2024

What will be the main changes after the upgrade to Windows 11?
The two main changes will be:

  1. Log in changePlease use your full email instead of CUID to log in to the computer (i.e. and email password)
  2. Windows 11 OS Interface: Windows 11 features a slightly different user interface compared to Windows 10, with one notable change being the placement of the Start menu. In Windows 11, the Start menu is located in the center of the taskbar, as opposed to the bottom-left corner in Windows 10.  

Can I log in to the Windows 11 environment to test now?
All employees can log in to Windows 11 environment from personal devices and in the labs. 
Please use following instructions on how to:

Can I still access old Windows 10 environment in labs or enhanced classroom? 
We encourage everyone to use Windows 11 environment for their classes.
However, Windows 10 Main Desktop will still be available in case of a backup until end of May. 
Windows 10 environment in labs and classrooms is planned to be retired after June 30th, 2024.

Will I still be able to connect my laptop to the projector in computer labs and enhanced classrooms?
Yes. The process to connect your laptop to the lab's or classroom's projector will not change. 

How can I log in to a Windows 11 computer in the lab or enhanced classroom?
Click the following link for instructions on how to Access Windows 11 desktops in computer labs.
Remember to use your email ( to log in instead of your CUID

Can I log in to the Windows 11 lab environment from a Langara laptop or personal device?
Yes, the Windows 11 environment is accessible from home.
Please use following instructions to:

Remember to use your email ( to log in instead of your CUID

When will my personal Langara computer be upgraded to Windows 11?
Employee's desktops and laptops are not included in this update and will be upgraded separately from the computer labs.
IT is currently working on a plan to transition employees' computers to Windows 11, with the intention to begin implementation later in 2024

Why are computer labs being upgraded?
Windows 11, the latest operating system from Microsoft, is set to replace Windows 10. It provides several benefits: 

  • Provides modern teaching environment - Some instructors have requested Windows 11 for their courses to allow them to teach students in a modern computing environment. 
  • Support of the latest software - Windows 11 ensures compatibility with the most recent software applications.
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