OWA (Outlook Web Access) combines words when writing emails


OWA (Outlook Web Access) is the online way to access your Office 365 email. New features are constantly added to the product, with some of these being automatically enabled. This can cause odd, or unexpected behaviour to occur.

Solution (If appropriate)

  1. First log into your Office 365 email account and open Outlook if you have not already
  2. Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner
  3. Click on the Search Outlook settings box, and type text predictions
  4. Uncheck the Suggest words or phrases as I type box, and then click Save in the bottom right corner


  • Words are combined, often changing greetings to "HelloJohn," rather than "Hello John,"
  • Emails are randomly archived


Article ID: 3604
Sat 5/7/22 12:25 PM
Sat 5/7/22 12:25 PM
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