Check Your Voicemail


You may be expecting a message on your office phone while away from your desk for an extended period of time.  You can access your voicemail from any phone remotely.


On Campus:

  1. Dial 80 or 5200, then * and the four digit extension of the mailbox (e.g. *1234).
  2. Enter the passcode for the mailbox.
  3. Press 7 to play messages.
  4. Press 3 to delete messages.

Off Campus:

  1. Dial 604-323-5200 and follow instructions.

TIP: Check the related articles for additional information on using voicemail.


Article ID: 1842
Thu 8/26/21 1:53 PM
Wed 11/15/23 9:40 AM
Enter the environment(s) in which this article is relevant. Eg. software name and specific version, OS(s), model of hardware, location, etc.
Telephone System
Mitel Phone
Main Campus
601 Campus

Related Articles (2)

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