Finding Team owner(s)


Unlike SharePoint, Teams access is tied into Azure AD groups.  You can determine who owns a Team by looking up the Team under groups and looking at the owners as per the following:

  1. Open
  2. Click on Microsoft Entra ID on the left side menu:Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. On the main screen, under Manage, click on Groups:
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Search for the particular Team you are interested in, for example the IT Test Team, click on it and you should see the following:
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. Click on Owners under manage under the left menu and you should see a list of owners:
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

These users are the ones who can manage access to the Team.  There should ideally be two people, if not, suggest to the owner to select a secondary.  If there are none, please bring it to the attention of the IT-PPM team.