Edit default printer settings on an Apple computer


The default settings can be changed or avoided through the use of Presets when you attempt to print your first print job.


  1. Choose to print a document File->Print or Command P.
  2. You will be presented with a printer property window.
  3. You will see a check box with a check labeled "Two-Sided"
  4. Clear the check.
  5. You will see a pull down menu labeled Presets and it is populated with "Default Settings"
  6. Click on the arrows at the right of "Default Settings"
  7. Choose "Save Current Settings as Preset..."
  8. You will be presented with a naming option
  9. I usually leave these fields as they are and make the preset available for "Only this printer"
  10. Click OK
  11. Make sure that your new preset is in the Presets window
  12. Click Print.
  13. Allow your print job to run.  By default, the next time you attempt to print, your new settings should populate the Presets field.


Article ID: 3079
Wed 2/23/22 9:04 AM
Wed 2/23/22 9:04 AM
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