Persistent mapped drives macOS


Some instructors need to have their mapped drives connect for them every time that they login to their Apple computer



There is a utility that is available in Self Service that will connect the required drives on campus.

This is how to have the drives connect for the user on login.


  1. Login to the Apple computer.
  2. Open /Applications/Self Service.
  3. Choose User Environment from the left hand menu.
  4. Choose Install Map Network Drives.
  5. Wait for the utility to run.
  6. Open System Preferences.
  7. Open Users & Groups.
  8. At the logged in user screen, choose Login Items.
  9. You will see These items will open automatically when you log in:
  10. Under this list is a + and - box.
  11. Click the +.
  12. Navigate to /Applications/ConnectNetworkDrives.
  13. Select any or all of the Mappings that are there.
  14. Click Add.
  15. Now these drives will map at login every time.
  16. If you would like to have them appear on your Desktop go to Finder->Preferences.
  17. Under Show these items on the desktop:  check the box in front of Connected Servers.



Article ID: 3080
Wed 2/23/22 12:15 PM
Mon 2/10/25 4:35 PM
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