Request increase to H: drive quota


Information about the H: drive and how to request extra storage.



All employees have a personal 4GB network space in which to save current work:

  • Windows
    • H:\ drive
  • Mac
    • EMPLHOME - main campus (no direct access from 601 Broadway campus on personal computers (use myFiles))
    • FileShare601 - 601 Broadway campus

This drive is designated for currently used files only. It should not be used for archiving or for non-work files.

If you require additional storage space, see the Solution below.


To request additional storage space on your H: drive, provide the following information:

  • A business case or reason for the request. Keep in mind the following:
  • The amount of additional space needed. This can be represented as a percentage (eg. 50% increase) or as a figure (eg. additional 2GB)

Submit your request using our General Technical Support service.



Article ID: 2217
Mon 10/18/21 11:29 AM
Mon 8/22/22 1:06 PM
Enter the environment(s) in which this article is relevant. Eg. software name and specific version, OS(s), model of hardware, location, etc.
H: drive
O: drive