Use ParScore to scan exams


ParScore operation instructions



ParScore is a program used to scan Scantron exams. There are two machines available on campus for use, one in A247 and the other in B017.


  1. Start ParScore for Windows
    1. Select Start, Programs, ParSCORE 7.0, ParSCORE
    2. Use “SCANTRON” as both the username and password.  Once ParScore opens, you will be at the Course List screen
  2. Creating a New Course
    1. Select New
    2. Enter the Course Information (Course # and Title are required fields).  Select OK
    3. Double-click on the course to Open it – or use the Open button
  3. Adding Score Columns
    1. From the Roster Tab, Select the Add Score Columns icon on the tool bar
    2. Select the Category and the number of desired columns, and score if desired:
      • Columns represent how many items in a category there are
      • For example, if a course had two midterms you would select the Midt category and enter 2 as the number of columns
      • If you are entering score and your two midterms have different scores, you can add them separately to capture this
    3. Select Add when finished
      • If desired, select another category name and continue the process until all the columns needed have been added
  4. Enrollment Options
    1. The default Student ID Length is 9
    2. ParScore has an Auto Enrollment feature (under the Scoring Tab), where you can add a student to the Roster at the same time you score tests. This works for forms that include both enrollment and test data
      • An ID and Last Name are required to create a student record. If the names are missing you can allow blank names by going to Options, Enrollment Management and checking the box
      • Adding students to the Roster (before scoring a test) is completed under the Student Tab
  5. Adding the Answer Key
    1. Select the Keys Tab
    2. Select the Category for the Answer Key you are adding
    3. Select the Scan Keys button (located on the bottom right side of the screen)
    4. Wait for Feed Form to appear on the scanner display or a solid amber light on the left side of the scanner
    5. Scan the Answer Key, using the arrows on the sheet to make sure it is facing the right way
      • Make sure you have the correct answers and test form field (A, B, C, or D) filled out. The test form field is the version of the Answer Key
    6. ParSCORE will display an “Edit” screen for anything found invalid on the key.  Press the END button on the scanner when finished
  6. Scoring the Student’s Tests
    1. Select the Scoring Tab
    2. Select the category that matches the test you are scanning.  Select the scoring options, such as Auto Enrollment, Inspect Multiple and/or Omitted Marks
    3. Select the Score button to begin the scanning process
    4. During scanning an Edit box will be displayed for anything found incorrect on the form. Press the END button on the scanner to complete the process
      • Select the Roster Tab to view the results
  7. Printing Reports
    1. Select the Repots pull-down menu
    2. Select the reports you want to Print or Preview
    3. A list of common reports below:
      • Item Analysis Report:  statistical report that provides analysis based on raw scores
      • Roster Report (a class :  you can customize contains data from your roster tab. You can choose to print selective score column(s)
      • Select Student Test Report: illustrates a student’s performance on the current test. It provides student’s answers to individual test items. These reports can be generated for all students or a specific student
      • Roster Report: A Roster Report contains score and point information for each student on the roster. Roster reports may be sorted by:
        • Student ID - In rosters without names, students are sorted by ID
        • Last names - Sorts alphabetically
        • First names - Sorts alphabetically



Article ID: 4479
Wed 10/12/22 5:52 PM
Fri 5/31/24 11:40 AM
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